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1.1. Thisprivacy policy of the Online Storeisinformative, whichmeansthatitis not a source of obligations for Service RecipientsorCustomers of the Online Store. The privacy policy primarilycontainsrulesregarding the processing of personal data by the Administrator in the Online Store, including the bases, purposes, and scope of the processing of personal data and the rights of individualswhose data areprocessed, as well as information on the use of cookies and analyticaltools in the Online Store.

1.2. The administrator of personal data collected via the Online StoreisPromeesGroup Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, Piotra Skargi 129, 95-200 Pabianice, Poland; NIP: 7312080484; REGON: 524733122; KRS: 0001025017; email address: - hereinafterreferred to as the “Administrator” and beingalso the Service Provider of the Online Store and the Seller.

1.3. Personal data in the Online Storeareprocessed by the Administrator in accordance with applicable law, in particular in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of naturalpersons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the freemovement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data ProtectionRegulation, GDPR). The officialtext of the GDPR isavailableat:

1.4. The use of the Online Store, includingmakingpurchases, isvoluntary. Similarly, the provision of personal data by the user of the Online Storeisvoluntary, subject to twoexceptions: (1) enteringintocontracts with the Administrator - failure to providepersonal data necessary to enter and execute a Sales Agreement oranagreement for the provision of Electronic Services with the Administrator in the cases and to the extentindicated on the website of the Online Store and in thisprivacy policy willresult in the inability to enterintosuchanagreement. The provision of personal data in such a caseis a contractualrequirement, and if the data subjectwishes to enterinto a givenagreement with the Administrator, theyareobliged to provide the required data. Eachtime, the scope of data required to enterintoanagreementisindicated on the website of the Online Store and in the Online StoreRegulations; (2) statutoryobligations of the Administrator - providingpersonal data is a statutoryrequirementresulting from generallyapplicablelawsimposinganobligation on the Administrator to processpersonal data (e.g., processing data for the purpose of keepingtaxbooksoraccounting) and failure to providethemwillprevent the Administrator from fulfillingtheseobligations.

1.5. The Administrator takesspecialcare to protect the interests of personswhosepersonal data areprocessed, and in particular, isresponsible for and ensuresthat the data collected by itare: (1) processedlawfully; (2) collected for specified, legitimatepurposes and not subjected to furtherprocessingincompatible with thosepurposes; (3) factuallycorrect and adequate in relation to the purposes for whichtheyareprocessed; (4) stored in a form thatallows the identification of persons to whomtheyrelate, no longerthanitisnecessary to achieve the purpose of processing; and (5) processed in a mannerensuringappropriatesecurity of personal data, includingprotectionagainstunauthorizedorunlawfulprocessing and accidentalloss, destruction, ordamage, by usingappropriatetechnicalororganizationalmeasures.

1.6. Takingintoaccount the nature, scope, context, and purposes of processing as well as the risk of varyinglikelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of naturalpersons, the Administrator implementsappropriatetechnical and organizationalmeasures to ensurethatprocessingiscarried out in accordance with thisregulation and to be able to demonstratethis. Thesemeasuresarereviewed and updated as necessary. The Administrator usestechnicalmeasures to prevent the acquisition and modification by unauthorizedpersons of personal data sentelectronically.

1.7. Allwords, expressions, and acronymsappearing in thisprivacy policy and beginning with a capitalletter (e.g., Seller, Online Store, Electronic Service) should be understood in accordance with theirdefinitioncontained in the Regulations of the Online Storeavailable on the pages of the Online Store.


2.1. The Administrator isentitled to processpersonal data in caseswhere - and to the extentthat - atleast one of the followingconditionsis met: (1) the data subjecthasgivenconsent to the processing of theirpersonal data for one ormorespecificpurposes; (2) processingisnecessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subjectis a party or to takestepsat the request of the data subjectprior to enteringinto a contract; (3) processingisnecessary for compliance with a legalobligation to which the Administrator issubject; or (4) processingisnecessary for the purposes of the legitimateinterestspursued by the Administrator or by a third party, exceptwheresuchinterestsareoverridden by the interestsorfundamentalrights and freedoms of the data subjectwhichrequireprotection of personal data, in particular, where the data subjectis a child.

2.2. The processing of personal data by the Administrator eachtimerequiresatleast one of the basesindicated in point 2.1 of the privacy policy. The specificbases for processingpersonal data of the Service Recipients and Customers of the Online Store by the Administrator areindicated in the next point of the privacy policy - in relation to the givenpurpose of processingpersonal data by the Administrator.


3.1. Eachtime, the purpose, basis, period, and scope as well as the recipients of personal data processed by the Administrator result from the actionstaken by the respective Service RecipientorCustomer in the Online Store. For example, if a Customerdecides to makepurchases in the Online Store and choosespersonalcollection of the purchased Product instead of a courierdelivery, theirpersonal data will be processed for the purpose of executing the concluded Sales Agreement, but will not be madeavailable to the carrier performing shipments on behalf of the Administrator.

3.2. The Administrator mayprocesspersonal data in the Online Store for the followingpurposes, on the followingbases, for the followingperiods, and within the followingscope:

Purpose of data processing

Legalbasis for processing and storage period

Scope of processed data

- **Performance of the Sales Agreement or a contract for the provision of Electronic Services ortakingactionat the request of the data subjectbeforeenteringinto the above-mentionedcontracts:**

  - Article 6(1)(b) GDPR (performance of a contract)

  - Data arestored for the period necessary to perform, terminate, orotherwiseexpire the concludedcontract.

  - Maximum scope: first and lastname; email address; contactphonenumber; deliveryaddress (street, housenumber, apartmentnumber, postalcode, city, country), residential/business address (ifdifferent from the deliveryaddress). In the case of Service RecipientsorCustomerswhoare not consumers, the Administrator mayadditionallyprocess the companyname and the taxidentificationnumber (NIP) of the Service RecipientorCustomer. The indicatedscopeismaximal - for example, in the case of personalcollection, itis not necessary to provide a deliveryaddress.

- Direct marketing:

  - Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimateinterest of the Administrator)

  - Data arestored for the period of existence of the legitimateinterestpursued by the Administrator, but not longerthan the period of limitation of claimsagainst the data subjectdue to the business activitiesconducted by the Administrator. The limitation period isspecified by law, in particular, the CivilCode (the basiclimitation period for claimsrelated to business activitiesisthreeyears, and for a salescontract, twoyears). The Administrator cannotprocess data for direct marketing purposesif the data subjecthaseffectivelyobjected to this.

  - Email address

- Marketing:

  - Article 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent)

  - Data arestoreduntil the data subjectwithdrawstheirconsent to furtherprocessing of their data for thispurpose.

  - First name, email address

- Newsletter:

  - Ifyouhaveagreed (subscribed to the newsletter), the email addressprovided by youwill be used for marketing purposes of ourown products from The consentcan be withdrawnatanytime, for example by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter or by sending a resignation email to

  - First name and lastname, email address

- Maintainingaccountingrecords:

  - Article 6(1)(c) GDPR in connection with Article 74(2) of the Accounting Act of 30 January 2018 (Dz.U. 2018, item 395)

  - Data arestored for the period required by law obliging the Administrator to storeaccountingbooks (until the expiry of the limitation period for taxobligations, unlesstaxlawsprovideotherwise) oraccountingrecords (5 years, counting from the beginning of the yearfollowing the financialyear to which the data relate).

  - First name and lastname; residential/business address (ifdifferent from the deliveryaddress), companyname, and taxidentificationnumber (NIP) of the Service RecipientorCustomer

- Establishing, investigating, ordefendingclaimsthat the Administrator mayraiseorthatmay be raisedagainst the Administrator:

  - Article 6(1)(f) GDPR

  - Data arestored for the period of existence of the legitimateinterestpursued by the Administrator, but not longerthan the period of limitation of claimsagainst the data subjectdue to the business activitiesconducted by the Administrator. The limitation period isspecified by law, in particular, the CivilCode (the basiclimitation period for claimsrelated to business activitiesisthreeyears, and for a

salescontract, twoyears).

  - First name and lastname; contactphonenumber; email address; deliveryaddress (street, housenumber, apartmentnumber, postalcode, city, country), residential/business address (ifdifferent from the deliveryaddress). In the case of Service RecipientsorCustomerswhoare not consumers, the Administrator mayadditionallyprocess the companyname and the taxidentificationnumber (NIP) of the Service RecipientorCustomer.


4.1. For the properfunctioning of the Online Store, including the execution of concluded Sales Agreements, itisnecessary for the Administrator to useexternal service providers (such as software providers, couriercompanies, orpaymentprocessors). The Administrator usesonly the services of suchprocessorswhoprovidesufficientguarantees for the implementation of appropriatetechnical and organizationalmeasuressothat the processingmeets the requirements of the GDPR and protects the rights of the data subjects.

4.2. The transfer of data by the Administrator does not occur in everycase and not to allrecipientsorcategories of recipientsindicated in the privacy policy - the Administrator transfers data onlywhenitisnecessary to achieve the givenpurpose of the processing of personal data and only to the extentnecessary to achieveit. For example, if the Customerusespersonalcollection, their data will not be transferred to the carriercooperating with the Administrator.

4.3. The personal data of the Service Recipients and Customers of the Online Storemay be transferred to the followingrecipientsorcategories of recipients:

- Carriers / forwarders / courierbrokers: In the case of a Customerwhouses the postalorcourierdeliverymethod in the Online Store, the Administrator provides the collectedpersonal data of the Customer to the selectedcarrier, forwarder, orcourier broker performing the shipment on behalf of the Administrator to the extentnecessary to deliver the Product to the Customer.

- Entitieshandlingelectronicorcreditcardpayments: In the case of a Customerwhouses the method of electronicorcreditcardpayments in the Online Store, the Administrator provides the collectedpersonal data of the Customer to the selectedentityhandling the abovepayments in the Online Store on behalf of the Administrator to the extentnecessary to handle the paymentmade by the Customer.

- Survey system providers: In the case of a Customerwhohasagreed to express anopinion on the concluded Sales Agreement, the Administrator provides the collectedpersonal data of the Customer to the selectedentityproviding the survey system for the purpose of expressinganopinion by the Customer on behalf of the Administrator.

- Providers of technical, IT, and organizationalsolutions: Theseprovidersenable the Administrator to conduct business activities, including the Online Store and the electronic services providedthroughit (in particular, providers of computer software for running the Online Store, email and hosting providers, and software providers for managing the company and providingtechnicalsupport to the Administrator). The Administrator provides the collectedpersonal data of the Customer to the selectedprovideracting on itsbehalfonly in the case and to the extentnecessary to achieve the givenpurpose of data processing in accordance with thisprivacy policy.

- Providers of accounting, legal, and advisory services: Theseproviderssupport the Administrator in accounting, legal, oradvisorymatters (in particular, anaccountingoffice, a law firm, or a debtcollectioncompany). The Administrator provides the collectedpersonal data of the Customer to the selectedprovideracting on itsbehalfonly in the case and to the extentnecessary to achieve the givenpurpose of data processing in accordance with thisprivacy policy.


5.1. The GDPR imposesanobligation on the Administrator to informaboutautomateddecision-making, includingprofiling, referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) of the GDPR, and - atleast in suchcases - relevantinformationabout the principles of theirmaking, as well as the significance and expectedconsequences of suchprocessing for the data subject. In thiscontext, the Administrator providesinformationregardingpossibleprofiling in this point of the privacy policy.

5.2. The Administrator mayuseprofiling in the Online Store for direct marketing purposes, but decisionsmade on itsbasis by the Administrator do not concern the conclusionorrefusal to conclude a Sales Agreement or the possibility of usingelectronic services in the Online Store. The result of profiling in the Online Storemay be, for example, granting a given person a discount, sendingthem a discountcode, remindingthem of unfinishedpurchases, sending a productproposalthatmaymatch the interestsorpreferences of a given person, orofferingbetterconditionscompared to the standard offer of the Online Store. Despiteprofiling, the person makes a freedecisionwhetherthey want to use the receiveddiscountorbetterconditions and make a purchase in the Online Store.

5.3. Profiling in the Online Storeconsists of an automatic analysisorforecast of a givenperson'sbehavior on the Online Storewebsite, e.g., by adding a specific Product to the cart, browsing a specific Product page in the Online Store, or by analyzing the history of previouspurchases in the Online Store. The condition for suchprofilingisthat the Administrator haspersonal data of the given person to be able to sendthem, for example, a discountcode.

5.4. The data subjecthas the right not to be subject to a decisionbasedsolely on automatedprocessing, includingprofiling, whichproduceslegaleffectsconcerningthemorsimilarlysignificantlyaffectsthem.


6.1. Right of access, rectification, restriction, erasure, or data portability - the data subjecthas the right to request from the Administrator access to theirpersonal data, theirrectification, erasure ("right to be forgotten"), orrestriction of processing, and has the right to object to the processing, as well as the right to data portability. Detailedconditions for the exercise of the aforementionedrightsareindicated in Articles 15-21 of the GDPR.

6.2. Right to withdrawconsentatanytime - a person whose data isprocessed by the Administrator based on expressedconsent (pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) orArticle 9(2)(a) GDPR) has the right to withdrawconsentatanytimewithoutaffecting the lawfulness of the processingcarried out based on consentbeforeitswithdrawal.

6.3. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority - a person whose data isprocessed by the Administrator has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the manner and procedurespecified in the provisions of the GDPR and Polish law, in particular, the Personal Data ProtectionAct. The supervisory authority in Poland is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

6.4. Right to object - the data subjecthas the right to objectatanytime - on groundsrelating to theirparticularsituation - to the processing of theirpersonal data based on Article 6(1)(e) (public interestortasks) or (f) (legitimateinterest of the Administrator), includingprofilingbased on theseprovisions. The Administrator may no longerprocessthesepersonal data unlessitdemonstratescompellinglegitimategrounds for the processingwhichoverride the interests, rights, and freedoms of the data subjector for the establishment, exercise, ordefense of legalclaims.

6.5. Right to object to direct marketing - ifpersonal data areprocessed for direct marketing purposes, the data subjecthas the right to objectatanytime to the processing of theirpersonal data for such marketing, includingprofiling, to the extentthatitisrelated to suchdirect marketing.

6.6. To exercise the rightsreferred to in this point of the privacy policy, youcancontact the Administrator by sendinganappropriatemessage in writingor by email to the addressindicatedat the beginning of the privacy policy or by using the contact form available on the Online Storewebsite.


7.1. Cookiesare small textinformation in the form of textfilessent by the server and stored on the side of the person visiting the Online Storewebsite (e.g., on the hard drive of a computer, laptop, or on a smartphone'smemorycard - depending on the deviceused by the visitor). Detailedinformationaboutcookies and theirhistorycan be found, amongothers, here:

7.2. The Administrator mayprocess data contained in cookiesduring the use of the Online Storewebsite by visitors for the followingpurposes:

- **Identifying Service Recipients as logged in to the Online Store and showingthattheyarelogged in;**

- **Remembering Products added to the cart to place an Order;**

- **Remembering data from completed Order Forms, surveys, or login data to the Online Store;**

- **Adjusting the content of the Online Storewebsite to the individualpreferences of the Service Recipient (e.g., regardingcolors, fontsize, page layout) and optimizing the use of the Online Storepages;**

- **Conductinganonymousstatisticsshowinghow the Online Storewebsiteisused;**

- **Remarketing, i.e., researching the characteristics of visitors' behavior to the Online Store by anonymousanalysis of theiractions (e.g., repeatedvisits to specificpages, keywords, etc.) to createtheir profile and deliverthemadstailored to theirpresumedinterests, alsowhentheyvisitotherwebsites in the advertising network of Google Inc. and Facebook Ireland Ltd.**

7.3. By default, most web browsersavailable on the market acceptsavingcookiesautomatically. Everyonehas the possibility to define the conditions for the use of cookiesthrough the settings of their web browser. Thismeansthatyoucan, for example, partially limit (e.g., temporarily) orcompletelydisable the possibility of savingcookies - in the lattercase, however, thismayaffectsomefunctionalities of the Online Store (for example, itmay be impossible to go through the Order path via the Order Form due to not remembering Products in the cart in the followingsteps of placing the Order).

7.4. Web browsersettings for cookiesareimportant from the point of view of consent to the use of cookies by our Online Store - according to the regulations, suchconsentmayalso be expressedthrough web browsersettings

. In the absence of suchconsent, youmustappropriatelychange the settings of your web browser in terms of cookies.

7.5. Detailedinformation on changing the settings for cookies and their independent removal in the most popular web browsersisavailable in the helpsection of the web browser and on the followingpages (justclick on the given link):

- in the Chrome browser

- in the Firefoxbrowser

- in the Internet Explorer browser

- in the Opera browser

- in the Safari browser

- in the Microsoft Edge browser

7.6. The Administrator mayuse the Google Analytics, Universal Analytics services provided by Google Inc. (1600 AmphitheatreParkway, MountainView, CA 94043, USA) in the Online Store. These services help the Administrator analyzetraffic in the Online Store. The collected data areprocessedwithin the above services in ananonymizedmanner (theseareso-calledoperational data thatprevent the identification of a person) to generatestatisticshelpful in administering the Online Store. These data areaggregate and anonymous, i.e., they do not containidentifyingfeatures (personal data) of visitors to the Online Storewebsite. The Administrator using the above services in the Online Storecollectssuch data as the sources and medium of acquiringvisitors to the Online Store and howtheybehave on the Online Storewebsite, informationabout devices and browsers from whichtheyvisit the site, IP and domain data, geographic data, and demographic data (age, gender) and interests.

7.7. It ispossible to easilyblock the sharing of informationaboutyouractivity on the Online Storewebsite with Google Analytics - for thispurpose, youcaninstall the browseradd-onprovided by Google Inc. availablehere:

7.8. The Administrator mayuse the Facebook Pixel service provided by Facebook Ireland Limited (4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland) in the Online Store. This service helps the Administrator measure the effectiveness of advertisements and find out whatactionsvisitorstake on the Online Storewebsite, as well as display tailoredadvertisements to thosepeople. Detailedinformation on the operation of Facebook Pixelcan be foundat the following Internet address:

7.9. Managing the operation of Facebook Pixelispossiblethrough the ad settings in youraccount on


8.1. The Online Storemaycontainlinks to otherwebsites. The Administrator encouragesyou to read the privacy policy establishedthereafterswitching to otherwebsites. Thisprivacy policy appliesonly to the Online Store of the Administrator.